Archive for “February, 2017”

Trump Transition Communications Director Bryan Lanza Joins Mercury

Addition of Leading Republican Strategists to Mercury’s Roster Enable Firm to Adapt to New Dynamics in the Advocacy and Media Environments

Washington, DC – Mercury, a leading global, bipartisan public strategy firm, announced today the addition of Bryan Lanza, Communications Director for President Donald J. Trump’s Transition Team.  Lanza, who served as Deputy Communications Director for the Trump-Pence campaign prior to his leading role with the new administration, joins Mercury as a Managing Director in the Washington, DC office.  

“Washington has been radically transformed in just the first few weeks of the Trump administration,” said Vin Weber, Mercury Partner and leader of the firm’s Washington, DC operation.  “Nowhere is this change more evident than in the growing significance of communications and the means by which it is employed.  With critical communications roles throughout the campaign and installation of the new administration, Bryan keenly understands the nuances of this sea change.  He is best in class, and rounds out Mercury’s unique public affairs expertise to deliver results in this new environment.  We’re excited to welcome him to the firm.”

Lanza joins a robust communications capability at Mercury with deep ties to conservative media including: Trump pollster Tony Fabrizio, Senior Counselor to the firm, as well as media strategy specialists Dan Bank and Dan Wilson.  Lanza’s addition is the latest in a series of hires of leading Republican political strategists across Mercury’s offices, including: former U.S. Senator David Vitter, Al Simpson, former Chief of Staff to new OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, Brian Swensen, Deputy Campaign Manager for Marco Rubio’s successful re-election bid and Andrea Bozek, former Communications Director for the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) and National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).  The 2017 growth to date underscores Mercury’s commitment to build a first-class, bipartisan consultancy comprised of accomplished leaders across the arenas of media, business, politics and policy.  

“Mercury, with its top-tier talent and robust policy and public affairs operations, was the ideal next step for me after an incredible and incomparable experience working with President Trump and his team,” said Lanza.  “I am excited to return to my roots in strategy, and help clients across every sector navigate opportunities as the administration and Congress outline their policy priorities.”

Lanza has worked closely with President Trump and White House leadership throughout the 2016 election cycle, inauguration and transition periods.  In his role with the transition team, Lanza worked with Cabinet nominees and Ambassador appointees, helping to prepare them for confirmation hearings.  He served as Deputy Communications Director for the Trump-Pence campaign, helping to craft strategy and messaging for the campaign, in addition to media relations oversight and surrogate management.   

Lanza’s work with the Trump White House is preceded by a sterling reputation as a key adviser in conservative politics and policy.  Prior to his time with the Trump-Pence campaign, Lanza was the Communications Director for Citizens United, where he worked closely with the group’s President David Bossie on strategy and messaging, as well as managing the organization’s media relations.  His policy experience includes chief of staff tenures at the California State Senate and Assembly where he specialized in agriculture, heath and transportation policy, and was involved in a number of key statewide initiatives and budget negotiations.  Lanza’s career also includes work in public affairs strategy with Townsend Public Affairs from 2013-2014, and as President of Lanza Strategies from 1999-2007, prior to his years working in the California legislature.  Given his west coast roots and deep experience in state politics and policy, Lanza will be servicing clients across Mercury’s U.S. and international offices.

Lanza joined Mercury on February 15, 2017.


About Mercury

Mercury is a high-stakes, bipartisan public strategy firm. The firm provides a comprehensive suite of services that includes federal government relations, international affairs, digital influence, public opinion research, media strategy and a bipartisan grassroots mobilization network in all 50 states. Our firm is not just led by top talent — we distinguish ourselves by having senior talent deeply engaged in each project from start to finish, a promise we keep to clients. The firm has an established global presence, with U.S. offices in Washington, DC, New York, California, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Tennessee, as well as international offices in London and Mexico City.  Mercury is a part of the Omnicom Public Relations Group.


About Omnicom Public Relations Group
Omnicom Public Relations Group is a global collective of three of the top global public relations agencies worldwide and specialist agencies in areas including public affairs, marketing to women, fashion, public health and corporate social responsibility. It encompasses more than 6,000 public relations professionals in more than 330 offices worldwide who provide their expertise to companies, government agencies, NGOs and nonprofits across a wide range of industries. Omnicom Public Relations Group delivers for clients through a relentless focus on talent, continuous pursuit of innovation and a culture steeped in collaboration. Omnicom Public Relations Group is part of the DAS Group of Companies, a division of Omnicom Group Inc. that includes more than 200 companies in a wide range of marketing disciplines including advertising, public relations, healthcare, customer relationship management, events, promotional marketing, branding and research.
Georgia Patrascu
[email protected]  

GOP operative longing for home brings D.C. skill to WNY

Andrea Bozek is finally free of “the very unpredictable environment in Washington.” But the current capital craziness isn’t why she’s leaving. In fact, she might just capitalize on it in her new job: Opening a Buffalo office for the public affairs and lobbying group Mercury LLC.

Bozek, a Williamsville native, spent most of the last decade as a Republican operative in D.C. She planned to move home after the 2014 election, when she helped maintain a GOP majority in the House as communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee.

But then a new offer arrived: Would Bozek consider running communications for the GOP’s Senate election committee?

Taking that job would mean sticking in Washington for two more years, squeezing in trips to Buffalo on the weekends. Bozek accepted the offer, making her the first person to hold both the House and Senate communications positions. She realized that if she was successful (which she was — the Senate majority was maintained), it would make her more marketable in the private sector.

Presumably, it did.

Bozek, 33, is now senior vice president with Mercury. She’s working with clients who need assistance with public relations, crisis communications, and government affairs. Among the first examples is Frank Ciminelli II, who hired Bozek to do public relations work for his construction firm LPCiminelli. (Earlier this month, LPCiminelli announced that three executives, including Frank’s father Louis P. Ciminelli, were resigning in the wake of corruption charges as the company took measures to “reinforce confidence in our customers,” Ciminelli said.)

“My goal is to use my unique skill set to benefit companies and organizations in Western New York,” said Bozek, who moved after the November election to Clarence Center with her husband, fellow GOP operative Chris Grant. “I hope my extensive national experience can help organizations grow.”

In an interview with The News, Bozek spoke about the decision to come home, the contentious election cycle and the coming challenges under the Trump administration. Bozek also offered a quick take on Melissa McCarthy’s “Saturday Night Live” treatment of one of her GOP colleagues.

Here’s an edited version of the conversation:

Q: When did you decide to come home?

A: I’ve been trying to get home for a while! I keep getting sucked in. (Bozek laughs.) It was always in our plans to make this our home base, because we had such great childhoods here. When we hopefully have a family, there’s no better place in the country to raise children than Western New York.

Q: D.C. is not so good for that?

A: D.C.? No, not so good. It was really important for us to be around family and friends as we take this new chapter in our personal and professional lives. I think it’ll make us better political operatives being on the ground in a real city that has real problems and real struggles. Washington, D.C., can be a huge bubble.

Q: When did you realize you were living in the Beltway bubble?

A: I knew I had been in D.C. for too long when I would come home and I would be surprised that someone would actually hold open the door for you. There is no sense of community in Washington. Growing up in Western New York, you come to expect kindness from strangers that is nonexistent in Washington.

During a D.C. “snowstorm,” my husband helped shovel our neighbors’ driveway. They quit helping him halfway and they didn’t even say thank you. That would never happen in Buffalo.

I realized over time how caught up some people would get over some silly amendment to a bill, or the scandal of the day, and how meaningless it really was to real people.

Q: Once you knew a GOP administration would be coming in, how tempting was the idea of pursuing a White House job?

A: I had such a great experience in the House and Senate. It reminds me of a “Seinfeld” episode, where you always want to leave on a high note, or when someone is laughing at your joke. This opportunity with Mercury to build something in Buffalo – to still be involved in politics and do a wide variety of things – was what I really wanted to do and where I wanted to grow professionally.

Q: Your last two jobs in D.C. were highly partisan. How do you balance that in your new job?

A: Luckily we have former (Senate Democratic Minority Leader Charles) Schumer aides in our Washington office who I can partner with on different projects. That’s what appealed to me about the new job: Going back to doing things in a positive way for Western New York, like my experience with Congressman (Thomas) Reynolds and Congressman (Chris) Lee working with Congresswoman (Louise) Slaughter’s office and Congressman (Brian) Higgins’ office.

(Slaughter and Higgins are Democrats. Bozek worked in communications for then-Reps. Reynolds and Lee, both Republicans.)

A lot of organizations were caught flat-footed with President Trump’s victory in November. I think I’m someone that can help navigate those waters. Where I can be most helpful to organizations and businesses in Western New York is using the contacts not only in the Trump administration but also House and Senate in helping solve whatever problems or issues they have.

Q: Solving problems and issues – sounds a little like a fixer. Are you sort of like Buffalo’s version of the “Scandal” character Olivia Pope?

A: Ha! I do love that TV show. Someone who’s fresh out of Washington and has current contacts is going to be really important, because we’re in uncharted territory.

Q: What are Trump-specific challenges for business?

A: I think when it comes to trade, if you’re an organization that outsources some of your products – or is thinking about outsourcing jobs to other countries – President Trump isn’t afraid to call you out on that. So having a plan to deal with that.

Obamacare is a huge issue for Western New York. Health care companies need to be able to navigate that situation to make sure their priorities, and concerns with repeal and replace, are well represented.

Q: What’s your assessment of the first few weeks of the Trump administration?

A: I am sure they didn’t want to have a top administration official (now former National Security Adviser Gen. Michael Flynn) resign a month in. However, whatever your opinion is, they are shaking things up in Washington – which is exactly what he was elected to do.

Q: What will be your political involvement?

A: I’ve always been passionate about getting more women elected to office, so that’s something I’m hoping to work at the federal level and the state level as well. I prefer behind-the-scenes opportunities to improve candidates.

Q: You know White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer from GOP circles. How’s he doing? And how is Melissa McCarthy doing with her “Spicey” sketches on “Saturday Night Live”?

A: I give Sean a lot of credit. That is an incredibly hard job – it’s one against 100 in that room. I think the skits have been great and Melissa McCarthy is one of my favorite comedians.

Q: What can candidates at any level take away from the presidential election?

A: Be authentic. Gone are the days where you should be a talking-point robot that Hillary Clinton was. I think that’s why a lot of people identify with Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders’ messages. You can draw a lot of parallels. Bernie Sanders’ message and Donald Trump’s were both positive messages about our future. They seemed authentic. Even if you didn’t agree with what they were saying, at least you knew they were telling you the truth.

Q: But multiple national media outlets took Trump – and Clinton – to task throughout the campaign for sharing falsehoods.

A: Yeah, the media reported that Trump wasn’t being truthful, but what the media has failed to realize that trust in the media has dropped to its lowest level in history. So when you don’t trust the messenger, you don’t believe the message. I believe voters are looking for the press to hold people in power accountable. But they want them to do it in a way that isn’t loaded with personal opinions.

To see the original article click here:

MTA to be run by Ronnie Hakim, Fernando Ferrer until new chairperson is selected

A seven-person committee will help Gov. Andrew Cuomo find a new MTA chairman, the governor announced Monday.

And while the governor searches to replace Chairman Tom Prendergast, who is retiring from his position on Tuesday, his office also announced who’ll be running the show.

Ronnie Hakim, the MTA’s New York City Transit president, will be appointed as interim executive director. Fernando Ferrer, the agency’s vice chairman, will serve as interim chairman, according to a news release from Cuomo’s office issued Monday.

“Ronnie Hakim is ready to embrace the challenge of running the nation’s largest transportation network during this transition,” Cuomo said in a statement. “She is a true transportation professional who has dedicated her life to improving the commute for millions of New Yorkers and I am confident that in this new role she will continue doing that as we reimagine and modernize the MTA for the 21st century.”

The new committee will be reviewing and recommending candidates to the governor “in the coming weeks,” according to a news release. Its members include transit experts and former high-ranking executives from the MTA and Port Authority:

•Tom Prendergast, chairman and chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

•Joseph Lhota, senior vice president and vice dean, chief of staff of NYU Langone Medical Center and former chairman and chief executive officer of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority.

•Fernando Ferrer, vice chairman of the MTA Board.

•Kathryn Wylde, president and chief executive officer of Partnership for NYC.

•Scott Rechler, chairman, Regional Planning Association and former vice chairman of the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey.

•John Samuelsen, executive vice president of the Transport Workers Union.

•Rodney Slater, former United States Secretary of Transportation.

Despite her current interim status, Hakim is being considered as a permanent replacement for Prendergast, who served as both chairman and CEO, sources familiar with the search have said.

Prendergast, who has worked for the agency for 25 years, was given a standing ovation at his last board meeting held earlier in January. He was praised by board members as a technocratic leader who understood the exacting details of the agency’s transit network and applauded by advocates who said he gave them a more welcoming seat at the table.

“It’s a tremendous honor to work in public service,” said Prendergast, who has stated that he’s leaving the post to spend more time with his family. “You feel good at the end of the day that you’ve done something for the people to help them with their life.”

-By Vincent Barone   [email protected]

David Vitter Joins Leading Global Strategy Firm Mercury

Former Senator to Establish, Lead Gulf South Operations for Mercury

Washington, DC – Mercury, a leading global, bipartisan public strategy firm, announced today the addition of David Vitter to its Washington, DC office. Vitter joins Mercury after a 17-year tenure in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, including a role on the Senate Majority Whip team. Vitter will serve as Co-Chairman in Mercury’s DC office. He will also spearhead the creation of Mercury’s Gulf South Operations in 2017.

“We are pleased to welcome Senator Vitter to the Mercury team after his impressive career in Congress. His unmatched policy experience will be a tremendous asset to our clients, and we are excited to establish a presence in the Gulf South under his leadership,” said Mercury Co-founder and CEO, Kieran Mahoney.

“I am thrilled to join the Mercury team, who are known nationwide as a top-tier public affairs operation stacked with some of the smartest minds in policy and politics,” Vitter said. “Our government is at a truly unique moment, and I am excited to work alongside some of the best in the business to help affect important change in the public affairs arena. Most of all, I am eager to continue serving the people of Louisiana and the Gulf South in this new role.”

From 2005-2017, Vitter served two consecutive terms as a United States Senator for Louisiana. A veteran legislator, Vitter represented the 1st District of Louisiana in the U.S. House prior to his years in the Senate. Throughout his 17 years serving both houses of Congress, Vitter earned a reputation as a strong conservative voice for reform, working to curb excessive power and overreach out of Washington.

He served as the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, helping to craft and pass major legislation including: the landmark Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act; the Water Resources Reform and Development Act; and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. Vitter also served as a member of the Republican Whip Team, Chair of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and as a leading member of the Banking Committee. He gained vast experience in many areas of public policy through his leading role in Hurricane Katrina response and recovery.

“David is a distinguished public servant with deep experience in federal government,” said Mercury Partner and former U.S. Congressman Vin Weber. “At the start of a new year, with a new administration and new Congress, Senator Vitter’s leadership and guidance is an invaluable asset for Mercury and our clients.”

Vitter joined Mercury on February 1, 2017.


About Mercury

Mercury is a high-stakes, bipartisan public strategy firm. The firm provides a comprehensive suite of services that includes federal government relations, international affairs, digital influence, public opinion research, media strategy and a bipartisan grassroots mobilization network in all 50 states. Our firm is not just led by top talent — we distinguish ourselves by having senior talent deeply engaged in each project from start to finish, a promise we keep to clients. The firm has an established global presence, with U.S. offices in Washington, DC, New York, California, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Tennessee, as well as international offices in London and Mexico City. Mercury is a part of the Omnicom Public Relations Group.


About Omnicom Public Relations Group

Omnicom Public Relations Group is a global collective of three of the top global public relations agencies worldwide and specialist agencies in areas including public affairs, marketing to women, fashion, public health and corporate social responsibility. It encompasses more than 6,000 public relations professionals in more than 330 offices worldwide who provide their expertise to companies, government agencies, NGOs and nonprofits across a wide range of industries. Omnicom Public Relations Group delivers for clients through a relentless focus on talent, continuous pursuit of innovation and a culture steeped in collaboration. Omnicom Public Relations Group is part of the DAS Group of Companies, a division of Omnicom Group Inc. that includes more than 200 companies in a wide range of marketing disciplines including advertising, public relations, healthcare, customer relationship management, events, promotional marketing, branding and research.


Georgia Patrascu
[email protected]

Mercury Welcomes Senator David Vitter, Senior GOP Hill Adviser Allen Simpson & Veteran Lobbyist Brent Thompson

Additions to Mercury DC Bring Diverse Policy Experience, Deep Ties Across Trump Administration, Congress

Washington, DC – Mercury, a leading global, bipartisan public strategy firm, announced today the additions of David Vitter, Al Simpson, and Brent Thompson to its Washington, D.C. office. Former U.S. Senator David Vitter joins Mercury after a 17-year tenure in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, including a role on the Senate Majority Whip team. Al Simpson comes to the firm after six years of work on the Hill, serving as Chief of Staff for Congressman Mick Mulvaney, incoming director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Brent Thompson, prominent lobbyist and policy adviser, comes to Mercury after more than 15 years with Expedia. All three will serve in senior roles in Mercury’s Washington, DC office.

“Mercury is fortunate to add three vastly talented leaders to our Washington ranks,” said Mercury Co-founder and CEO Kieran Mahoney. “Simply put, Senator Vitter, Al and Brent offer an unmatched wealth of policy expertise that will no doubt be a massive advantage in navigating policy and public affairs with the new administration and Congress.”

Senator Vitter will serve as Co-Chairman of Mercury DC in addition to leading the development of Mercury’s Gulf South operations.

“I am thrilled to join the Mercury team, who are known nationwide as a top-tier public affairs operation stacked with some of the smartest minds in policy and politics,” Vitter said. “Our government is at a truly unique moment, and I am excited to be working alongside some of the best in the business to help affect important change in the public affairs arena.”

From 2005-2017, Vitter served two consecutive terms as a United States Senator for Louisiana. A veteran legislator, Vitter served two terms in the U.S. House of Representatives for the 1st District of Louisiana prior to his years in the Senate. Throughout his 17 years serving both houses of Congress, Vitter earned a reputation as a strong conservative voice for reform, working to curb excessive power and overreach out of Washington.

He served as the Ranking Member on the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, helping to craft and pass major legislation including: the landmark Frank R. Lautenberg Chemical Safety for the 21st Century Act, the Water Resources Reform and Development Act and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act. Vitter also served as a member of the Republican Whip Team, Chair of the Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship, and as a leading member of the Banking Committee. He gained vast experience in many areas of public policy through his leading role in Hurricane Katrina response and recovery.

“David is a distinguished public servant with deep experience in federal government,” said Mercury Partner and former U.S. Congressman Vin Weber. “At the start of a new year, with a new administration and new Congress, Senator Vitter’s leadership and guidance is an invaluable asset for Mercury and our clients.”

Al Simpson and Brent Thompson join Mercury DC in the role of Managing Director.

Simpson comes to Mercury after more than a decade in Republican politics. Most recently, he served as Chief of Staff to Congressman Mick Mulvaney, the incoming director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. During his time in Rep. Mulvaney’s office, Simpson’s policy work focused on the health care, energy, and infrastructure sectors. In addition to his long-standing service with Mulvaney, Simpson held several appointed state government positions in his home state of South Carolina, including roles on the South Carolina State Health Insurance Pool Board and the South Carolina State Board of Education. Prior to his work with Rep. Mulvaney, Simpson spent nearly two decades in the private sector, focused on domestic and global manufacturing.

“I am excited to transition back to the private sector with the Mercury team,” said Simpson. “I’m grateful for the experience I’ve had in Congress, and am eager to bring that knowledge to help serve clients and coordinate with policymakers.”

As Managing Director, Brent Thompson brings extensive corporate and lobbying experience from his decades of work in Washington. Over the course of a 15-year career with Expedia, Thompson built a storied tenure in lobbying, serving most recently as Senior Vice President, Chief of Global Government and Corporate Affairs. In his role at Expedia, Thompson directed domestic lobbying campaigns at the federal, state, and local levels, in addition to managing global campaigns. He also served as the Director of Government Relations for the National Association of Manufacturers, and held staff positions with former U.S. Senators Paul Coverdell, Alfonse D’Amato and Slade Gorton.

“Mercury offers an incredibly diverse portfolio of government relations and public affairs work,” said Thompson. “I am honored to be joining this outstanding team and look forward to integrating my own experience into their global operations.”

Vitter, Simpson and Thompson joined Mercury on February 1, 2017.

About Mercury

Mercury is a high-stakes, bipartisan public strategy firm. The firm provides a comprehensive suite of services that includes federal government relations, international affairs, digital influence, public opinion research, media strategy and a bipartisan grassroots mobilization network in all 50 states. Our firm is not just led by top talent — we distinguish ourselves by having senior talent deeply engaged in each project from start to finish, a promise we keep to clients. The firm has an established global presence, with U.S. offices in Washington, DC, New York, California, New Jersey, Illinois, Pennsylvania, Florida, and Tennessee, as well as international offices in London and Mexico City. Mercury is a part of the Omnicom Public Relations Group.

About Omnicom Public Relations Group

Omnicom Public Relations Group is a global collective of three of the top global public relations agencies worldwide and specialist agencies in areas including public affairs, marketing to women, fashion, public health and corporate social responsibility. It encompasses more than 6,000 public relations professionals in more than 330 offices worldwide who provide their expertise to companies, government agencies, NGOs and nonprofits across a wide range of industries. Omnicom Public Relations Group delivers for clients through a relentless focus on talent, continuous pursuit of innovation and a culture steeped in collaboration. Omnicom Public Relations Group is part of the DAS Group of Companies, a division of Omnicom Group Inc. that includes more than 200 companies in a wide range of marketing disciplines including advertising, public relations, healthcare, customer relationship management, events, promotional marketing, branding and research.

Georgia Patrascu
[email protected]